Sunday, 12 July 2020

Understanding Migraines and What to do About Them - Family Chiropractor Bentonville | Dr. Ryan Carlson | DeeprootsNWA

Hey everybody today, we are going to talk about migraines and headaches and how those can affect you, but even better than that is how we can help out with...

Tips to eliminate pain as you go into different body positions in the office

Hey everybody, coming out to those of you who are starting to transition back into the office from working at home. Hey, my name is dr. Ryan Carlson. I’m the...

Summer Time Health Tips for 2020 - Family Chiropractor Bentonvi

Hey, everybody happy. Sunny Wednesday from Northwest Arkansas and deeper it’s health center. And you’ve gotten outside today. And even over the last couple of weeks, you’ve noticed how beautiful...

CALM before the STORM.. Dr. Carlson relates that to your health

Hey, everybody. I am coming at, you live from outdoors. And even as I’m looking at this camera, you can probably see in the background, there is quite the cloud...

Looking for a way to do life BETTER LIVE DIFFERENT with Deep Roots

Hey, everybody. I am coming to you live from outside and you can see behind me, that is quite the front coming through. It is a storm that’s brewing here...

Stop Suffering from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome & Numbness or Tingling in your Hands & Fingers

So most people have heard of the term carpal tunnel syndrome, but there’s a lot of ambiguity around it and what it really means. So what I’m going to do...